Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Different Time, A Different Me

It's so strange...people who haven't talked to me in one year, two years, and even three years have been trying to talk to me lately.

Like, trying to say "Hi" and start conversations with me and add me on facebook, and to be completely honest...I think it's weird...

Now, these aren't people that I lost contact with because of distance or because of classes.

These are people who flat out either ditched me or flat out ignored the fact that I was even alive at some point or another.

And I've realized how much I've grown...

Before I would have crawled on my hands and knees just to be apart of their circle of friends (either "again" or just in general).

Now, none of that matters anymore.

Sometimes you meet people who are so truly amazing.

I've met these people.

And I know in my heart, this is what friendship is♥

To all those beautiful souls who are in or have been in my life: Much love and thank you for being apart of my life.

You've all influenced me and changed me for the better, without even meaning to.


  1. I've had that happen too, out of the blue some random person will approach me on Facebook and whatnot. I too think it's weird... sometimes I feel like they're just trying to raise the number of "friends" on their page, lol. What other reason could they have? It's not like they could possibly be interested in talking to me after all this time... weird. o.0
    Stick with the people who have a good influence on your life, and who like you for who you are. :3

  2. Well, one girl ended up confronting me about it and ended up calling cussing at me, so there's that...
