Wednesday, November 3, 2010


 "The Gorgon was a maiden bold
Who turned to stone the Greeks of old
That looked upon her awful brow.
We dig them out of ruins now
And swear that workmanship so bad
Proves all the ancient sculptors mad.”
--Ambrose Bierce


  1. Oooo you look gorgeous! I love this, with the net veil and the gems and everything! Is your hair darker? I can't really tell what color it is but it looks dark..

  2. Thank you o^_^o!

    Nah :P
    Everyone keeps asking lol
    I think it's the dark lipstick.
    I started wearing really dark lipstick (lke, border line black XD lol) and when I wear that, people ask if I've dyed my hair again.

  3. Wait, you seriously didn't dye it? Cuz in the Cheshire Cat pics it looks black! xD
